
Realtime language speaking tuition for students.

Do you have fewer one-on-one language speaking lessons at uni than you did in sixth form? Have you got worse at speaking as a result? Are language tutors too expensive and inconvenient? Try out myLanguageTutor for cheap, convenient one on one speaking practice with AI.

A Bespoke Experience - Shaped By You

As a tiny startup, we're building myLanguageTutor with one focus: creating exactly what you need. Unlike big companies, we prioritize your feature requests and build them directly into the app.

This means you get a language learning experience tailored to your unique requirements - whether that's specialized vocabulary, custom learning paths, or industry-specific conversations.

Request Features Directly

Have an idea or feature request? Email Harold directly at

Your feedback directly shapes our development roadmap. We're building this for you!

The Future of Language Learning

Our iPhone app connects you with AI language tutors for real-time foreign language conversations — not text, not pre-recorded audio — just natural dialogue like talking with a native speaker.

Smart Learning

Our AI tracks your mistakes and builds personalized vocabulary lists that adapt to your weak spots.

Conversation Memory

Your AI tutor remembers past sessions, creating more engaging and continuous learning.

Available Languages

French German Spanish Italian Greek Russian

Become a Beta Tester

Get early access and help shape the future of language learning.

Questions? Contact Harold at